Beyond Surveys
AI-Driven Instant Customer Insights

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Imagine a world where consumer research transcends time, offering not just insights but foresights

Our mission is to revolutionize customer research with AI, providing instant, precise insights. Leveraging a robust knowledge graph and synthetic research participants, we transcend conventional surveys.

Our Founding Story

experial was born from the collaborative vision of Tobias, Nader, and Michael, each bringing unique expertise to revolutionize customer research.

Merging Tobias' deep knowledge of consumer research, Nader's product building competence, and Michael's technical AI expertise, experial stands at the forefront of AI-driven customer intelligence.

This synergy aims to transform traditional research methods, propelling experial into pioneering predictive, real-time customer

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Our Founding Team

Dr. Tobias Klinke

Co-Founder/ CEO - Revenue

“With my deep knowledge in consumer research at experial, I am committed to enriching our understanding of customer behaviors and needs, leveraging AI to transform these insights into actionable strategies that benefit teams all over the world.”

Nader Fadl

Co-Founder/ CEO - Product

"At experial, I harness the transformative power of AI in product development, ensuring that our innovative solutions not only integrate seamlessly but also significantly enhance our clients’ business processes for optimal impact.”

Michael Jancen Widmer

CTO/ AI Engineer

“As the CTO of experial, my goal is to lead the forefront of AI-driven customer insights, constantly innovating to ensure our platform delivers cutting-edge, real-time, and actionable customer intelligence.”

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